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AA Wireless - Adaptateur automatique Android sans fil
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Android Auto en général

Do I need Bluetooth for wireless Android Auto?

Yes, Bluetooth is required for wireless Android Auto.

While early versions of Android Auto required a physical USB connection between your Android device and the car's head unit, wireless Android Auto was introduced to eliminate the need for cables. However, even in the wireless mode, Bluetooth is still utilized for certain functions.

When using wireless Android Auto, your Android device establishes a Bluetooth connection with your car's head unit for functions like call audio, media streaming, and some control inputs. The wireless connection allows you to use Android Auto without physically plugging in your phone, providing more convenience and flexibility.

If you're interested in using Android Auto Wirelessly, consider an AAWireless device for your car.

You can purchase AAWireless in the following stores:

  • For orders from Europe or the US, visit our webshop.
  • For orders from UK, visit Amazon UK.
  • For orders from Switzerland, visit Digitec.
  • For orders from Turkey, visit Amazon TR.
  • For orders from Singapore, visit Amazon SG.
  • For orders from Japan, visit Carple JP.
  • For orders from South-Korea, visit Carple KR.

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