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AA Wireless - Adaptateur automatique Android sans fil
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Expédition, retours et garanties

How long does AAWireless shipping take?

Once you've placed an order, your AAWireless dongle will be dispatched from one of our many global warehouses. To check the estimated delivery time, just add the device to your cart. The cart will show the applicable carrier for your region and provide a delivery estimate.

For orders placed in our webshop before 12 PM, we'll ship your device the same day, with delivery expected in 1-3 business days. Please note that some regions may incur additional shipping costs. Different rules may apply to other marketplaces.

If you're interested in using Android Auto Wirelessly, consider an AAWireless device for your car.

You can purchase AAWireless in the following stores:

  • For orders from Europe or the US, visit our webshop.
  • For orders from UK, visit Amazon UK.
  • For orders from Switzerland, visit Digitec.
  • For orders from Turkey, visit Amazon TR.
  • For orders from Singapore, visit Amazon SG.
  • For orders from Japan, visit Carple JP.
  • For orders from South-Korea, visit Carple KR.

Discover here
whether your phone and car are compatible with Android Auto!

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