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AAWireless - Adattatore Android Auto wireless
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AAWireless TWO out now!

The new AAWireless TWO is out now in the EU and US. Enter pairing mode, switch phones and enter standby mode at the touch of a button.

TWO+ to be released in 2025

Our long expected wireless CarPlay + Android Auto adapter will be released early 2025. Subscribe below to be the first to receive the pre-order details!

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Usa il telefono sullo schermo dell'auto. Ora anche in modalità wireless!

Android Auto™ è un modo più semplice e sicuro per utilizzare il telefono in auto. Naviga tramite Google Maps, ascolta musica in streaming tramite Spotify o comunica utilizzando Google Assistant: tutto sullo schermo dell'auto e ora anche in modalità wireless!

Non c'è più bisogno di cavi
Tieni il telefono dove vuoi
Non è necessario scollegare la spina dal drive-thru o dal parcheggio
Hand holding AAWireless TWO

Recensioni dei clienti

*Reviews about AAWireless in general
Recensioni su Trustpilot
• Eccellente
• Ottimo
Azienda verificata

I couldn't get my phone to connect to android auto via the wired cable, I decided to give the AAwireless a try. I was delighted that it connected, now I'm able to experience my android auto again and no longer having to fumble with wires. My only gripe is it takes a little time for android auto to start up but otherwise I'm satisfied.

Josip Farkas

Well i got it didn't even go true the guide just plug and play and it works i just hope its going to last because im satisfied im using it on a VW Touran 2017

Ruel ä

Works great


Easy to setup, fast conectivo, work excellent in Mazda 3 2023 GT


Fast shipping and the product works better than I had imagined, wishing I knew of this product sooner.


Works great. Easy setup.

Ralf Nerlich

Everything is okay

Bob Chandler

Delivered very quickly. Connected easily and working fine so far.

Pawel Weiss

Fast shipping. Item as described.


Very good device. Solved my problem with typing keybord while driving.


Fast delivery and very easy and nice to use!

Utilisateur Régulier

Fast delivery, Good product does the job BUT disconnects multiple times during the travel time (tried wifi in 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz, tried different wifi channels. But it will always disconnect at some points. While it reconnects in few seconds, it could be a problem in crucial GPS navigation when disconnecting before being able to choose a direction !!

Bill Smith

I wish I'd bought this sooner to use Waze on a one-year old vehicle without having to connect through a USB cable. It's annoying that even with the latest tech available, you still have to resort to a cable to use one of the most popular navigation apps on your vehicle's screen. Setup was quick and simple, and it has worked flawlessly. It's so convenient to just get in the car and go. I'm ordering another one for my wife's car.

Vladimir Režek

It is working great, I didnt have any problem with instalation. Very good and qualited product

Erwin Pollet

Had een aawireless 2 gekocht, heeft 2 maanden goed gewerkt en op een dag werkte de functieknop niet meer 😞. Na 4 dagen mailen met de klantenservice om het precieze probleem door te geven (mijn fout) 🫣, kreeg ik een retour label toegestuurd. Na bewijs van verzending te sturen heb ik 2 dagen later mijn nieuwe aawireless 2 mogen ontvangen. Top service 🤗


Just received my AAWireless Two to replace the One. Two is easier to use but still has the intermittent disconnect-reconnect in some locations. It was this problem with the One that caused me to buy the Two. Disappointed that the problem still happens.

Rick VanHatten

Configuring was straight forward, but not obvious from instructions. Once I figure it out work great


A very simple set up and amazing connectivity. Very pleased and surprised with how easy it was after trying a few other options on my 2018 Audi

Jaroslav Adámek

Rychlé dodání. Funguje bez problémů. Připojení cca do 30 sec.

Puneet Kumar

It is a very slow product. It sometimes connects flawlessly but most of the times it does not connect to my car.

Jeff Bertram

Works great, app is a nice add on to keep the adapter from running while my car is sitting in the driveway, and preventing my phone to keep connecting to it as the USB ports stay powered on.


Solid piece of hardware with user friendly software. Works good with Honda Civic X. Very easy pairing with the device. Screenplay is smooth, no delays. Only from time to time it takes a bit longer to establish connection at startup, but nothing serious. I am happy with my AAWireless2.


Delivery one day after the order Rapid and easy installation Work perfectly


Very simple setup and fast connection every time I start my truck.

Jose Moreno

Works pretty good, documentation is not so great. Had to troubleshoot to get connected. 2 days in still hitting a few snags.


Current gen1 user and I got gen2 a second vehicle for the button to switch phones during a ride. Works great and as hoped. I found AA to be unstable with a cord likely due to movement in the phone connection . Regardless, the AAWireless experience is great and will never go back. If the plus model comes out supporting CarPlay, my son will be happy.

Petr Řádek

For those looking for reliable Android Auto wireless adapter I can highly recommend AAwireless TWO adapter. Delivery was very quick! Over the past year I tried other cheap AA adapters purchased from China's e-shops but they always had issues like failing to connect to car multimedia or disconnecting during use. The AAwireless TWO has none of these problems. It is very reliable and worth the money! The only limitation is that it supports Android Auto but not Apple Car Play.


Order was delivered to my home just a few days after I placed the order. It was in stock at AAWireless when I wasn't able to find it in any online or local store. Too bad they're having a hard time supplying the retail outlets but at least it was available.


Produit livré dans les temps, et qui répond parfaitement aux attentes. Un lancement automatique sur le véhicule serait un plus appréciable.


Fast shipping, works great so far, easy setup


I couldn't get my phone to connect to android auto via the wired cable, I decided to give the AAwireless a try. I was delighted that it connected, now I'm able to experience my android auto again and no longer having to fumble with wires. My only gripe is it takes a little time for android auto to start up but otherwise I'm satisfied.

Ruel ä

Works great

Rick VanHatten

Configuring was straight forward, but not obvious from instructions. Once I figure it out work great


Customer service is excellent and was quick to respond to my pre-purchase questions. The product is as easy to setup and use as advertised. Overall a much better experience than I've had with any other similar products or companies.


Very good device. Solved my problem with typing keybord while driving.


My use of AA requires Developer Mode - and AA Wireless is the only AA connection solution that I have found that is capable of this. I upgraded to version II so that either my wife or I to connect easily on the fly. The only downside is that I wish I could prioritize which phone it initially connects to when we both approach the car at the same time.

Ed Bouman

Werkt fantastisch! Blij mee.


Current gen1 user and I got gen2 a second vehicle for the button to switch phones during a ride. Works great and as hoped. I found AA to be unstable with a cord likely due to movement in the phone connection . Regardless, the AAWireless experience is great and will never go back. If the plus model comes out supporting CarPlay, my son will be happy.


Very simple setup and fast connection every time I start my truck.

Matthew Wilson

Connects most every time. Had some Bluetooth issues with other people in the car a couple of times


Just received my AAWireless Two to replace the One. Two is easier to use but still has the intermittent disconnect-reconnect in some locations. It was this problem with the One that caused me to buy the Two. Disappointed that the problem still happens.

Peter Brouwer

Nou vind ik het belangrijk dat het een Europees product is Het apparaat werk perfect Alleen is het zo als ik binnen in de woonkamer zit wil zeg hij telkens dat hij verbonden is met de auto .... En dat is minder prettig .

Russell Heimlich

Great device!

Rick Miller

The ease of installation was impressive.


Produit livré dans les temps, et qui répond parfaitement aux attentes. Un lancement automatique sur le véhicule serait un plus appréciable.

Rob M.

So far so good. Reviews were spot on and product works great!

Suzanne Burridge

Order came super quick! Product works well, easy to set up. Only issue is that sometimes the Android auto drops and you have to unplug it and reconnect again. No big deal, but just a small annoyance. I love not having to connect my phone!

Jose Moreno

Works pretty good, documentation is not so great. Had to troubleshoot to get connected. 2 days in still hitting a few snags.


Works great. Easy setup.

Pawel Weiss

Fast shipping. Item as described.

Ralf Nerlich

Everything is okay


Fast shipping, works great so far, easy setup


Order was delivered to my home just a few days after I placed the order. It was in stock at AAWireless when I wasn't able to find it in any online or local store. Too bad they're having a hard time supplying the retail outlets but at least it was available.

Jaroslav Adámek

Rychlé dodání. Funguje bez problémů. Připojení cca do 30 sec.

Wayne Marcy

Its been working as expected

Sebastian Worwa


Gert-Jan Holt

Works great. Simple to use and the installation was very easy. Now i can easely switch between phones. Perfect!


Easy to setup, fast conectivo, work excellent in Mazda 3 2023 GT

Vladimír Gorej

The device works as expected. No sudden disconnects or any other issues.


Fast shipping and the product works better than I had imagined, wishing I knew of this product sooner.

Hands holding AAWireless adapter and smartphone in car

Il dongle Android Auto wireless più avanzato al mondo

AAWireless è dotato di un'app complementare gratuita che migliora ulteriormente la tua esperienza con Android Auto™. Sebbene in realtà non sia necessaria l'app per utilizzare l'adattatore, offre molti extra nel caso in cui si preferisca un maggiore controllo.

Aggiorna il tuo adattatore

Sì, a prova di futuro!

Personalizza le funzionalità dei pulsanti

Ad esempio, cambia telefono senza problemi

Risoluzione intelligente dei problemi

In caso di problemi

Cosa dicono gli influencer e i media di AAWireless

Il migliore

L'esecuzione wireless di Android Auto è liberatorio, soprattutto se non l'hai mai provato prima. AAWireless si è sempre concentrato su questo obiettivo e, a parte alcuni potenziali problemi di compatibilità che l'app tenta di risolvere, sono così piccoli.

Il migliore

«Allora, quanto funziona il dongle? In breve: in modo impeccabile. Che si tratti di viaggi brevi o lunghi, Android Auto ha svolto il suo lavoro tramite il dongle AAWireless con la stessa affidabilità di quando viene utilizzato con un cavo».

Il migliore

«AAWireless è stata un'aggiunta meravigliosa alla mia auto. Si connette al mio telefono in pochi secondi dall'avvio dell'auto e dispone di Android Auto attivo e funzionante quando esco dal vialetto.»

man driving car
Il migliore

«Al primo posto nella nostra lista c'è l'AAWireless Android Auto Dongle. (...) tutto sommato, il produttore ha pensato praticamente a tutto. (...) stabile come Android Auto cablato.»

Il migliore

«Sebbene (...) entrambi svolgano il loro lavoro, l'AAWireless presenta alcuni vantaggi che lo rendono una scelta molto migliore per la maggior parte delle persone. Questi vantaggi possono essere riassunti tutti in una parola: versatilità».

wireless transmission phone
Il migliore

L'esecuzione wireless di Android Auto è liberatorio, soprattutto se non l'hai mai provato prima. AAWireless si è sempre concentrato su questo obiettivo e, a parte alcuni potenziali problemi di compatibilità che l'app tenta di risolvere, questo piccolo dongle fa il suo lavoro.

Domande frequenti

Didn't find the answer you were looking for?
Vedi FAQ

AAWireless funzionerà nella mia auto?

Se hai un telefono Android compatibile e la tua auto o unità principale supporta Android Auto cablato, AAWireless dovrebbe funzionare in auto. Puoi verificare quali auto sono compatibili qui. Puoi verificare quali smartphone sono compatibili qui. AAWireless, così come dongle simili, non può fornire supporto per i prodotti mancanti in questi elenchi ufficiali di Google. Ciò, ad esempio, significa che i telefoni Huawei non sono affatto supportati.compatibility test to check if you car and head unit are compatible with AAWireless. Phone-wise, wireless Android Auto is supported by all phones running Android 11 or above. Please note: this means Huawei devices and devices running Android's 'Go edition' are not supported at all.

AAWireless funzionerà con le versioni future di Android Auto?

Sì, gli aggiornamenti software di Android Auto non dovrebbero influire sulla funzionalità del dispositivo. In caso affermativo, possiamo adattare il nostro firmware, che potrai quindi utilizzare per aggiornare l'adattatore tramite la nostra app complementare gratuita.

AAWireless è certificato?

Sì, AAWireless ha la certificazione CE e FCC.

La mia auto non si spegne mai, questo scaricherà la mia batteria?

Il consumo energetico di AAWireless è compreso tra 90 mA e 330 mA. A meno che non lo lasci in macchina senza avviarla per oltre 2 settimane, questo non dovrebbe essere un problema.

C'è una garanzia?

Sì, il dispositivo viene fornito con una garanzia hardware di due anni. L'intera politica di garanzia è disponibile qui.

Qual è la differenza tra AAWireless e altri adattatori?

L'adattatore AAWireless è più avanzato rispetto ad altri adattatori. Viene fornito con un'app complementare gratuita, che ti dà il pieno controllo del tuo dispositivo. I dongle popolari come Motorola MA1 non possono essere collegati a tale app, il che significa che non puoi aggiornare questi adattatori in futuro e perdere funzionalità extra.

Non ho il WiFi in macchina. AAWireless utilizza WiFi o Bluetooth?

L'adattatore wireless Android Auto AAWireless è dotato sia dell'hardware WiFi che Bluetooth stesso. Si collega il telefono all'adattatore AAWireless tramite Bluetooth, dopodiché l'adattatore stabilisce una connessione WiFi. Quindi si disconnette dalla rete Bluetooth e da quel momento in poi utilizza il WiFi esclusivamente. Dopo la configurazione, si connetterà automaticamente ogni volta che salirai in auto.

È possibile aggiornare l'adattatore wireless AA?

Sì, occasionalmente forniamo aggiornamenti del firmware OTA (over-the-air). In questo modo avrai sempre accesso alle funzionalità più recenti e ti assicurerai che il tuo dispositivo funzioni in modo ottimale.

Posso collegare più telefoni a AAWireless?

Sì, ma solo uno di essi avvierà e controllerà Android Auto. Tuttavia, è molto semplice passare da un telefono all'altro collegato al dispositivo AAWireless. L'AAWireless TWO consente di passare da un telefono all'altro semplicemente utilizzando il pulsante sul dispositivo.

Come gestite le spedizioni e i resi?

Our products are shipped from a central warehouse in Hungary every working day. If you place an order before 13:00 (GMT +2), it is usually shipped the same day. Depending on where you live, you will then receive your product within 1 to 3 working days.

If you wish to return your wireless Android Auto adapter, you can do so within 30 days after receiving it. Please note: sometimes wireless adapters don't seem to work due to specific settings or car configurations. Since this will be the same for any other wireless Android Auto adapter, make sure you first go through the troubleshooting guide in our free app or consult our support agents via our support page.

Find out more about our return policy here.

Statistiche rapide su AAWireless

Ti abbiamo già convinto? Ottimo! Puoi acquistare il tuo adattatore proprio qui. Assicurati, tuttavia, di aver verificato se sia l'auto che il telefono supportano Android Auto™ wireless.

Buy AAWireless TWO now!

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